Earth Day was first celebrated in the United States in 1970 and is now observed all over the world every year on April 22. It is a day to appreciate animals, plants, and earth’s majestic landscapes. It is also a time to do activities that show care for our beautiful planet. This beaded earth day craft was our activity of choice this year to recognize earth day. It works well as a cooperative activity at home or in the classroom.
Supplies To Collect

- pony beads in shades of blue and green
- thin green yarn
- scotch tape
- 8 ½ x 11-inch green cardstock
- 12 x 12-inch cardstock
- 8 or 9-inch circular lid or flat disc with an edge
- glue gun or white glue
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Making the Beaded Earth Day Craft
Tie a pony bead onto one end of a long piece of yarn. Wrap a thin piece of scotch tape around the other end to prevent fraying.
Set the rest of the pony beads on a tray along with the yarn. Have students or family members take turns stringing beads. Or have one child string beads over time.

Next, cut a green cardstock circle to fit just inside a circular cookie tin lid or item with a similar shape. A disc-shaped dog toy turned out to be the perfect size in my stash of supplies!
Fit the circle into the mold. Then starting on the edge, glue down the strung beads in a tight spiral shape with white glue or a glue gun.
After the rim of the circle is beaded, take the cardstock shape out of the mold and tack down the rest of the beads. Trim off extra beaded yarn if necessary.

Mount the bead project onto 12-inch x 12-inch cardstock and display.

You might choose to use the mold as a frame.

- Be on the lookout for packages of beads in various shades of one color.
- If the string of beads isn’t long enough to completely fill in the circle, carefully attach a new piece of yarn with a small piece of scotch tape. Then add more beads.
- A smaller or thinner bead can be used for the center if a bigger one doesn’t fit.

This earth day craft is inspired by the exquisite bead art of Canadian Métis artist Katherine Boyer. Her beautiful art can be viewed on her website @katherineboyerart.com.
Earth Day Craft Video Tutorial
25 Earth Day Activities
Doing an earth day craft is just one way to help little learners or your family honor the conservation-minded special day. Here is a list of 25 activities to choose from:
- Clean up a park or playground.
- Pick up litter at the beach.
- Bike to work or school.
- Plant a tree.
- Start a vegetable or flower garden.
- Compost fruit and vegetable scraps.
- Plant wildflowers and native plants.
- Grow plants that attract butterflies, bees, and birds.
- Learn more about an animal you are afraid of.
- Read books about animal care.
- Go on a bug safari.
- Take care of animals.
- Invite in an animal specialist guest.
- Take a field trip to a farm or zoo.
- Go on a nature walk.
- Have a nature scavenger hunt.
- Read books about planet earth.
- Study a globe or map.
- Do a science experiment.
- Discuss the four Rs: reduce, reuse, repair, recycle.
- Put recyclables in a bin.
- Visit a recycling center.
- Create earth crafts using recycled materials.
- Give away gently used toys.
- Donate money to a conservation group.
Of course, earth day activities are appropriate any time of the year. And the beaded earth craft also works beautifully as part of a Night And Day or Space theme.

Related: Sea Turtle Sensory Tray
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© Annette Kaminsky April 24, 2021
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