Here’s a Hawaiian Party that works for all ages. We did it with a group of seniors, preschool children, and their parents. It was dreamed up because this school year our preschool classes were invited to visit a senior’s home to socialize with the residents. February was a great month to show some kindness, so we planned our visit then.
Hawaiian Holiday Theme
Hawaiian Holiday was the theme of choice. Our city was in the middle of a cold-weather spell, so the thinking was “If we can’t be in Hawaii, (where we would ALL rather be), then let’s bring Hawaii to us.”
Our preschool brought food and activities for the visit.
As seniors, preschool children, and preschool parents entered the social room at the home, music from the CD “Golden Hits Of Hawaii” wafted through the air. (This is a favorite CD of Hawaiian music, and we’ve played it at school on some of our coldest days. The music lifts our spirits every time.)
As everyone chose a spot to sit, they were invited to make a paper lei.

Next, our school group performed some action songs for seniors and parents. Songs from Dr. Jean Sing Along Read Along books and CDs were our choice. (Dr. Jean has many singing and learning activities available on her website and her YouTube Channel.)
Hawaiian Party Food
Then refreshments were served. Hawaiian-themed paper plates were passed out.
Little muffins with parasols for decoration were offered.

Each table got a palm tree scene fruit plate.

Crispy coconut rolls were a last-minute find for the palm tree trunks.
A selection of cookies rounded out the snack options.

Extra fruit was available to make sure everyone would have some.

Closing Activity
Our last activity was choosing a Hawaiian-themed picture to color. Scented markers were used for this. The seniors were proud to show us their finished work.
As we were preparing to leave, many seniors showed appreciation for our visit. They said we brightened their morning, which is what we had hoped for! Preschool parents who helped supervise our activities were complimentary. A good time was had by all.
Share a favorite Hawaiian activity below. I would love to hear it!
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© Annette Kaminsky March 3, 2019
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