Easter kind of snuck up on me this year. I didn’t realize until mid-March how early the holiday dates are. I often have time to do Easter activities with my preschoolers in the first part of April, but this year we needed to complete them by March 26 (before Spring Break week.) And so this quick and showy silhouette bunny art project was perfect for our busy time. It is easy to make at home too.
Supplies To Collect
- 7-inch x 9-inch canvas panel
- dot markers in bright spring colors
- cardstock paper
- bunny template
- white pompom
- white glue
Making The Silhouette Bunny Art

Select a canvas or use sturdy art paper for this project. (I purchased canvases at a dollar store for an economical price.) Then cut a bunny shape out of same-sized cardstock.
Feel free to download this bunny template for the art project.

This bunny template is for individual or one classroom use only.
Carefully center the cardstock with the bunny shape removed on the canvas.
Have your little learner pick a dot marker in a favorite color and dab dots all over the bunny shape, holding the template steady. You may want to help do this, as the cardstock design has a tendency to slip around. And this way you both can practice teamwork and co-operation.
Your early learner can glue on a pompom tail with a dab of white glue when the bunny is dry.

You may wish to invite your little learner to create this art project in a few different spring colors or have family members each make one. The colorful bunnies display well together.

Or you can ask your little learner to do the silhouette bunny art in two different ways. Then mount the canvasses side by side.

Tag me on Instagram if you make this art project. I will share your bunny art in my stories!

Related: Spring Bunny Canvas Art
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© Annette Kaminsky March 27, 2021
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