Black History Month is celebrated in the United States and Canada during February. During this second month of the year activities are planned to celebrate the achievements of black people and their communities. The activities also promote inclusion.
Scroll down to view 9 art and craft projects to recognize Black History Month and celebrate diversity.
Most Popular Black History Month Crafts
These two Black History Month craft projects have been super popular on Pinterest.

More Stunning Black History Month Crafts
These three gorgeous Black History Month crafts feature craft ribbon in brightly hued geometric prints.

Black History Month Heart Art
These simple Black History Month heart art projects also suit a Celebrate Diversity theme. Participants get an opportunity to work with a variety of interesting art supplies.

Participants select and use skin-toned pencil crayons in this simple Black History Month heart art project.

A chance to use skin-toned metallic markers is a highlight of this Celebrate Diversity heart art activity.
Black History Month Chalk Art
Chunky sidewalk chalk in skin tones is the feature art supply in these Black History Month heart art projects.

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