While paging through a small book with elephant facts, I realized that elephants are a glowing symbol of kindness. And since kindness is a theme of Pink Shirt Day, this Pink Shirt Day necklace craft was one of my activities for last year’s annual anti-bullying day.
Pink Shirt Day
Pink Shirt Day is held on the last Wednesday in February every year in many countries. It originated in Canada in 2007 when a boy was teased in school for wearing a pink shirt. In response, two other boys bought a host of pink shirts and gave them to classmates. The rosy t-shirts symbolized anti-bullying, and since then many people have worn pink shirts on Pink Shirt Day. Last year more than 110 countries celebrated the anti-bullying themed day.
Elephants Are Kind
Elephants are a symbol of kindness. They are super smart creatures and seem to have feelings similar to ours. They exchange hugs with their heads and trunks. They spread their ears wide when walking with their young, making sure they shield them from danger. They help other elephants who are sad, sick, or hurt.

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Supplies to Collect
Along with pink shirts, a pink elephant necklace craft to symbolize kindness makes a great addition to Pink Shirt Day activities. To assemble the simple elephant necklace, collect the following:
- pink craft foam sheet or cardstock
- elephant template
- adhesive gem stickers
- necklace cord
- scissors and pencil
- hole punch
Pink Shirt Day Necklace Craft Directions

To make this kindness craft, start by tracing and cutting an elephant from pink cardstock or a sheet of pink craft foam.
Next, cut off a 26-inch strip (or longer) from the elastic necklace cord.
Then punch a hole in the upper middle of the elephant.
Loop the cord through the hole.
Then decorate the elephant with adhesive sticker gems.
Finally, securely tie the ends of the necklace cord, adjusting the length of the cord if necessary.
Elephant Facts Printable

To complement the kindness elephant necklace craft, here is a free printable to download. At preschool, I sent the handout home with the jewelry craft.
This printable is for individual or one classroom use only.
My preschoolers loved this necklace craft and were eager to wear it. One little boy wore his necklace many days during the remainder of the school year. Will you give this craft a try?

Related: Pink Shirt Day Dramatic Play
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© Annette Kaminsky February 20, 2025
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