One of the things preschoolers are most excited about when starting school in the fall is using scissors. It’s an activity many early learners have not yet had exposure to, so they are delighted to have permission to cut. Offering beautiful materials with unique textures enhances fall scissor skills activities.
Fall Scissor Skills Supplies
Collect art supplies in yellow, orange, red, and brown hues, and sort them into a tray with compartments.

Gathered for this tray are:
- feathers (yellow, orange, red, and brown)
- fluffy yarn
- yellow and orange foam pieces
- brown tissue paper
- red straws
- fade-resistant construction paper in fall colors
- orange crepe paper
- red thin ribbon
- gold thick ribbon
- orange and yellow pom poms
Round up fall-colored craft supplies you have available for your little learners to cut. Leftover scraps from other crafts are perfect for this activity.
After your charges have had a blissful session of cutting craft supplies into bits, store them in a resealable plastic bag or covered container to use as a base in sensory trays.

Forest Sensory Tray
The cuttings make a rich base for a fall forest-themed sensory tray. Rocks, pine cone trees, and forest animals round out this inviting tray for your little ones to explore.

Related: Scissor Skill Snow Cutting
Fall Scissor Skills Party Tray
Change things up by arranging supplies to cut in a party tray. Fall craft leaves and card cut-outs are the highlights of the tray below.

Pumpkin Collage
Energize the offerings with black and green craft scraps. Encourage your early learners to cut shapes and glue them onto a paper pumpkin. The completed collage projects will be striking.



Note: For tips on teaching children to use scissors, view my post “Santa’s Beard Scissor Activity.”
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© Annette Kaminsky November 12, 2020
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