This salad spinner heart art activity is so easy, and it’s super fun to do. From dripping paint into the basket to turning the spinner to taking the lid off to view the interesting heart designs, the project is fascinating for little learners from start to finish.
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Salad Spinner Heart Art Supplies To Collect

Gather the following supplies for this exciting process art invitation.
- salad spinner
- tempera paints
- paint pots
- spoons
- white cardstock paper
- heart template
- scissors
- pencil
- old newspapers or plastic tablecloth
Preparing The Salad Spinner Heart Art Project

To set up this art activity, first, select a salad spinner. It’s a good idea to have one set aside just for process art projects. I promise it will get well used.
Then draw heart shapes that just fit into the basket on white cardstock paper, and cut them out. Prepare enough paper hearts so that each participant can use at least two as a canvas.
Tip: Trace the bottom of the salad spinner basket on a piece of paper first to figure out the right size for the heart shape. Then save it for future activities.
Next, select tempera paint colors and pour them into paint pots. I feature turquoise, magenta, green, and pink hues, but the color possibilities are endless.
Then cover a table with old newspapers or a plastic tablecloth. Set out the salad spinner and paper hearts, as well as the paint pots with a spoon in each one.
Creating Salad Spinner Painted Hearts

Invite a little learner to place a paper heart in the spinner and spoon a variety of paint colors on the heart.
Note: As an alternative, paint can be squeezed directly from paint bottles. Smaller tempera paint bottles are a good size for little ones to work with.

Afterward, fit the lid snugly on the salad spinner and invite the little artist to turn the knob to spin the basket around. The faster the salad spinner spins, the better.
Now comes the most exciting part. Lift the lid off the spinner and view the painted heart together. You’ll discover a stunning and unique spin art project.

Carefully take out the spun-painted heart and let it dry on a flat surface. The salad spinner is now ready to be used for more spin art heart paintings.

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© Annette Kaminsky February 27, 2023
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