Turkeys are a big part of fall, and this turkey playdough tray celebrates them. Three rich fall playdough colors are featured, along with turkey-themed loose parts.
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Turkey Playdough Ingredients
All three playdough colors in the tray are made with my go-to basic recipe, with an icing color added.
For the orange playdough, gather the following ingredients:
- 2 cups flour
- 1 cup salt
- 4 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 2 cups water
- orange icing color
- 3 tablespoons oil
How To Make Turkey Playdough

To make the orange playdough, start by adding the first three ingredients to a sturdy pot and mixing them together.
Next, mix a half teaspoon of orange icing color in two cups of water, stirring well. Then blend in 2 tablespoons of oil. Add the oily, colored water to the dry ingredients and combine.
Afterward, heat the pot on the stove on medium heat.
Stirring frequently, cook until the mixture is no longer glossy and the dough forms a ball.
Then scoop the dough onto a cutting board.
Knead when cool, adding one tablespoon more oil.
Finally, store the playdough in a sealed plastic bag.

Gold and Copper Playdough Colors
To make the gold playdough, stir a generous amount of buttercup yellow icing color into the water before mixing it with the oil and dry ingredients.
To make the copper playdough, stir in copper icing color instead of orange or yellow.
Turkey Playdough Loose Parts

Including loose parts in the turkey playdough invitation adds interest and offers more opportunities to develop finger and hand strength. The following loose parts are in the tray:
- turkey game counters
- life-like turkey figurine
- pioneer and turkey cookie cutters
- turkey wooden beads
- turkey ring and cupcake topper
- orange, red, and yellow spherical beads
- yellow, orange, and red feathers
- spotted brown feathers
- small wiggly eyes
- red and tan pipe cleaner sections

Turkey Playdough Invitation
The orange, buttercup yellow, and copper playdough hues are complementary colors, so they go well together.
The turkey and pioneer cookie cutters are on point with the theme.

Little learners have the opportunity to craft a turkey using playdough, feathers, and wiggly eyes. Cut and bent pipe cleaners work well for creating turkey feet and snoods.
The turkey counters and life-like turkey figurine provide models for creating playdough turkeys and are great for incorporating counting activities.
The fall-hued beads, turkey ring, and cupcake topper add interest to the manipulative play invitation.

Besides being appropriate for a Thanksgiving or turkey theme, the beautiful playdough colors in the tray are perfect for any fall theme.
More Turkey Activities
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© Annette Kaminsky November 5, 2023
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