Tis the season of all things apple, and here’s a tantalizing apple playdough tray to add to your rotation of fall activities. It features playdough in three different scents and colors. The aromatic apple-themed sensory activity also works well for a nutrition or fruit and vegetable theme.
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Apple-Scented Playdough Recipe
Gather the following easy-to-find supplies for this silky apple-scented playdough recipe:
- apple-scented hair conditioner
- cornstarch
- large bowl
- green food coloring
- measuring cup
- spoon for stirring
To make the simple no-cook recipe, first scoop 2 parts of cornstarch into a large bowl. Next, add one part apple-scented hair conditioner and mix it with the cornstarch using a stirring spoon. Then knead the scented dough ingredients together to make a smooth dough. If the dough is a bit crumbly, add a tad more hair conditioner. If it is a little slimy, add a bit more cornstarch. A playdough recipe couldn’t be any easier to make.

Optional: Mix in a generous amount of green food coloring with the apple-scented hair conditioner before adding it to the cornstarch to get a light green color of playdough. You can also add the food coloring at the end. In this case, the playdough will look marbled with green at first and turn an even shade of light green after it has been used in a playdough invitation.
While you are making this recipe, it may not look like it will form a smooth playdough. Be assured that it will.
This dough becomes more mouldable as it is being handled. Round balls and other shapes are easy to form once it is warmed up a little with little human hands!
When using the dough for a second or third time, set it out and let learners add a tad more conditioner to their dough. If it gets a little mushy, have them work in a bit of cornstarch. They will love doing this.
Apple-Scented Playdough Variations

Since many apples come in varying combinations of red, green, and yellow hues, you can use other conditioner colors such as strawberry hair conditioner with red food coloring added to make red dough, and coconut hair conditioner with yellow food coloring added to make yellow dough.
Color mixing is a favorite activity for little learners, and they will relish the chance to mix all three colors of playdough together.

Apple Playdough Tray
This apple playdough tray is easy to set up for little learners. Three colors of playdough are featured, but little learners would be more than happy to use only one scented playdough variety for the activity.

In the tray are:
- red, green, and yellow playdough
- apple cookie cutters
- alphabet letter wood stamps
- leaf pie edgers
- red, green, and yellow acrylic apple gems
- green, red, and yellow apple counters
- yellow, green, and red beads
- brown pipe cleaners
- drinking straws
Scented hair conditioner is an effortless ingredient to use in playdough, especially when only one or two other ingredients are required. Checking for it at dollar stores is an economical alternative.

Having a bulk container of cornstarch ensures that there will be enough of this ingredient to make the playdough for a group of students. Using one cup of cornstarch to one-half cup of conditioner makes a recipe big enough for one or two children to share.
Loose parts such as yellow, green, and red apple counters, acrylic gems, and beads add interest to the tray.

Pipe cleaners cut in half and wrapped around a pencil make curly caterpillars. Cut straws can be used to poke holes in the playdough and represent how caterpillars dig holes in apples and burrow inside.
Lowercase alphabet letter wood stamps offer an opportunity to spell the word apple.

More Apple Activities
For more apple-themed activities, check out the following blog posts:
Watercolor Apples With Markers
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© Annette Kaminsky October 15, 2023
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