Black History Month is observed in February in the United States and Canada. It is a time to celebrate the creativity and achievements of Black people and their communities by participating in activities and discussions. This Black History Month mixed media art project draws attention to the beauty of black women’s hair. The craft features a unique technique for creating curly hair.
Supplies To Collect
For this mixed media art project that pays homage to Black History Month, gather the following:
- black yarn
- brown, orange, and green construction paper
- 14-inch x 16-inch sheet of white construction paper
- 1 ½ inch wide wired craft ribbon
- white glue
- black fine point marker
- parchment paper
- scissors and pencil
- glue stick and glue gun
- disposable plate
- measuring cup
- spoon
- tray
Starting the Mixed Media Art Project

To begin this art project, draw a side view of a woman’s head on brown construction paper and cut it out.
Next, draw and cut out one ear from the same sheet of paper, and the top of a t-shirt from orange construction paper.
Then draw a few lines on the ear with a black fine-point marker to add detail.
After this step, cut two small triangles from green and orange sturdy paper to fit together as an earring.
Then cut two strips of wired craft ribbon, one measuring 12 inches long, and the other measuring 9 inches long.
Next comes the part that may be the most fun: creating the curly yarn hair. To fashion the hair, complete the following steps:
1) Draw a silhouette outline of the hair in the middle of a large sheet of parchment paper. Then place the parchment paper on a tray.
2) Mix one-half cup of white glue with one-half cup of water on a disposable plate.
3) Using a spoon, press down a long piece of black yarn in the gooey white mixture to completely cover it in glue.

4) Slowly lift the yarn out of the thinned glue and spread it around the hair outline in swirls. Add a second layer of swirled yarn and gently press it down on the first layer so the yarn sticks to itself when dry. Add a few straight lines at the hairline.
5) Let the sculptured yarn hair dry for one or two days. When dry it lifts off the parchment paper easily.
Note: The glue-soaked yarn hair may look grey at first, but will appear black again as it dries.
This swirled yarn art process was a must-try for me after viewing an informative September 4. 2024 Instagram post by mykidsartbox.
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Assembling the Black History Month Art
Now it is time to assemble the gorgeous art activity. Complete the following steps:
1) Select a large piece of sturdy paper to glue all the arty shapes onto. I feature paper cut to a 14-inch x 16-inch size.
2) Position the crafted pieces on the background paper and note where they look best. Drawing light pencil lines to mark the perfect spot for each shape makes this easier and the lines can be erased at the end.

3) Use a glue stick to adhere the head, ear, triangular earring, and shirt portion to the paper.
4) Carefully affix the curly hair over and above the face with a glue gun.

5) Fashion two strips of wired craft ribbon into a knotted headband. Cut the ribbon ends to the correct size and fold in the outer edges to fit around the yarn hair above the hairline.
6) Use the glue gun to adhere the headband over and above the bottom edge of the curly hair.
7) Add a caption for Black History Month if desired.

When making the Black History Month mixed media art project, feel free to work with a color scheme of your choice. What do you think of this activity?
Related: Black History Month Hair Decorating Art
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© Annette Kaminsky February 26, 2025
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