Honeycomb cereal is tasty to eat, but is also super fun to use in a craft activity. In this post, the craft idea is honeycomb cereal necklace lacing.
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Honeycomb Cereal “Snowflake” Necklace
With its six sides, each honeycomb makes a nice “snowflake.” And having holes, the cereal is perfect for lacing a “snowflake” necklace.
A thin lacing cord works best for threading honeycomb. In fact, the thinner the cord the better.
Older children may enjoy the challenge of lacing each honeycomb down one side and up the other. And they can make a game of it by seeing who can string the most honeycomb cereal in the shortest amount of time.
For younger children, it’s best to suggest lacing through the center hole.

Some honeycomb pieces have holes that are too small to thread lacing cord through, so they are perfect for snacking on.
Stretching the cord while working may break a few, but again, the honeycomb bits are just another excuse for snacking on the tasty morsels!
After some practice, this first string of honeycomb is ready to be tied as a necklace.

More Honeycomb Cereal Necklace Lacing
Naturally, it’s hard to stop after lacing just one string of honeycomb cereal. Here’s a pink version for Valentine’s Day.

And below is a version for a bumblebee theme, the most natural fit for honeycomb cereal.

Finally, since the lacing cord comes in Easter colors and I have a few jube bunnies hanging around, the chewy treats are included in a necklace craft photo.

Lacing honeycomb cereal is a perfect opportunity to practice eye-hand coordination and fine motor control while casually snacking on the flavorful cereal.

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© Annette Kaminsky February 11, 2023
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