This super fun squeegee painting heart art project is bound to be one of your children’s favorites. Using a squeegee instead of a paintbrush offers participants a new way to move paint around a canvas.
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Supplies To Collect
Gather the following supplies for this abstract art project:
- tempera paints in a variety of colors
- paint pots and spoons
- cardstock paper
- squeegee
- heart template
- pencil and scissors
- newspapers or a plastic tablecloth
Preparing The Squeegee Painting Heart Art Activity

To prepare this unique process art activity, trace and cut hearts from sturdy cardstock paper.
Then cover an art table with newspapers or a plastic tablecloth.
Next, set out a workstation for each participant with tempera-filled paint pots. Add a teaspoon to scoop paint into each one.
Note: I feature paints in red, pink, magenta, and white hues. Any color scheme would work wonderfully with this art project.
Afterward, add a paper heart canvas and squeegee to each workspace.
The Squeegee Painting Heart Art Process

Invite participants to spoon blobs of paint on different areas of their hearts. The blobs can be large or small. They can be dotted randomly or placed strategically around a heart.
Note: Paint can be squirted from paint bottles instead of spooned from paint pots. Smaller-sized bottles work best for this method.
Afterward, have them use a squeegee to move the paint around. You can suggest sliding the squeegee downward or from side to side. Using the squeegee in random motions is just fine too.


Note: The longer the squeegee scrapes over the paper, the more the colors will blend.

After participants have had a chance to paint one or more heart-shaped canvases, set out large sheets of sturdy paper for them to work on.
Squeegee painting on huge sheets of paper is a great process art project to take outdoors. The canvases can be set out on a flat ground surface or tacked to a fence. Large canvases also lend themselves to collaborative art projects.
What do you think about this squeegee painting project? Do you think it is a top ten process art activity for children? Let me know in a comment below.

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© Annette Kaminsky March 10, 2023
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