What better time to set out a watermelon playdough tray than on a hot summer day like today? The tray features an easy-to-make scented playdough recipe using Kool-Aid. So if you are experiencing a heat wave like we are, you can use some of the Kool-Aid in a cold, refreshing drink, and save the rest for the playdough recipe.
Scented Playdough Recipe

This playdough recipe is soft, pliable, and lasts a long time. Gather the following ingredients:
- 500 ml / 2 cups flour
- 250 ml / 1 cup salt
- 20 ml / 4 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 450 ml water (almost 2 cups)
- 45 ml / 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 48 ml bottle of watermelon-flavored concentrated liquid Kool-Aid
To make the scented dough, follow the steps below:
Measure the first three ingredients into a sturdy pot and mix them together.
Add two tablespoons vegetable oil and a 48 ml bottle of liquid watermelon Kool-Aid concentrate into a 500 ml / 2 cup measuring container.
Add enough water to make 500 ml / 2 cups of liquid and stir.
Pour the mixed liquids into the pot of dry ingredients and combine.
Heat the mixture on the stove on medium heat.
Stirring frequently, cook until the mixture is no longer glossy and the dough forms a ball.
Place the dough on a cutting board.
Knead when cool, adding one more tablespoon of oil.
Store the playdough in a sealed plastic bag until ready to use.

To inspire watermelon-themed designs in a play invitation, you can add:
- a white basic playdough recipe.
- a basic playdough recipe colored with green food coloring.
Note: If you are making playdough for one or two children, this recipe can be halved. Then you will have enough Kool-Aid left to make a watermelon-flavored drink.
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The Watermelon Playdough Tray

Red, white, pink, black, and green loose parts work well with watermelon playdough. In the tray are pop poms, pebble and diamond-shaped gems, and buttons. Green and red spotted rubber frogs are included because they fit the color scheme! Watermelon slice cookie cutters complete the tray.
When setting up this playdough invitation, you could add black beans to represent watermelon seeds.

More Watermelon Activities
Watermelon Dramatic Play Center

Watermelon-inspired Banner Craft
More Themed Playdough Recipes
White Lilacs and Black Playdough

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© Annette Kaminsky August 12, 2022
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