These cute Easter peeps houses take gingerbread house-making into the Easter season. And the chick peep coop and bunny peep hutch are easy-peasy to make together with little learners.
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Supplies To Collect
Gather the following supplies to make these sweet graham cracker houses:
- bunny and chick peeps
- Easter bunny rabbit jubes
- graham crackers
- powdered sugar icing
- cornstarch
- water
- assortment of candies
- green candy sprinkles
- green gel icing color
- mixer or whisk
- plates, spoons, and disposable knives
Making The Easter Peeps Houses

For this activity, I use powdered sugar icing, a little cornstarch, and water to make the icing. It’s ideal to have powdered gingerbread house icing available, but I couldn’t find any on short notice.
Start by mixing a few scoops of powdered sugar icing, a teaspoon of cornstarch, and a little water in a bowl. Blend ingredients with a mixer or whisk for a couple of minutes. The icing mixture should be thick and tacky. Add a little more icing sugar if the mixture is too thin, or add a tad more water if it is too thick.
Then set aside some of the icing in a bowl and stir in a tiny bit of green gel icing color.
Next, spread plain icing on the edges of graham crackers and gently assemble them together to make five sides of a cube, leaving one side open. Disposable knives are a good size for little learners to work with.

Note: Name-brand graham crackers are best to use because they are sturdier, don’t break as easily, and come in bigger pieces. Featured here is a no-name brand.
Afterward, select candies to decorate the Easter peeps house with. I feature miniature M&M’s and jelly bellies.

Then spread icing on the sides and tops of the graham cracker house and decorate with candies of choice.
If little learners are participating, allow some snacking while working. There will be interesting discussions about candy types, colors, and tastes!
A Peep Bunny Hutch Or Chick Coop

To make an edible bunny hutch scene, spoon a layer of green icing on a plate. Make sure the plate is disposable if participants are taking their tasty creation home.
Then set in the graham cracker “hutch.” Add a few candy sprinkles around it.
Spread a generous amount of icing on the floor of the house and set in two Easter bunny rabbit jubes. These can be bunny babies.
Finally, drop candy sprinkles on the green icing to look like grass, and add an Easter bunny peep and a few gummy eggs.

For the chick peep coop scene, set the coop on a plate with green icing, and add candy sprinkles and gummy eggs. Then place the Easter chick peep in the coop.

These Easter peeps houses are sure to delight little learners and their families. Do you have any suggestions for how to make them? Leave a comment below.

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© Annette Kaminsky April 1, 2023
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Cute idea! Easter is over, but I hope to remember them for next year.!
Thanks! It’s been fun incorporating gingerbread activities past Christmas into other seasonal themes.