This easy-to-set-up “Go Fishing” sensory tray allows your little learners to have a blast catching and transferring fish, and exploring related ocean-themed loose parts. And there are plenty of opportunities for learning in this hands-on, play-based activity.
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Supplies To Collect

To give your little charges a super fun, ocean-themed sensory experience, gather the following:
- water table or active world tray
- toy fishing sets
- sea jelly dive toys
- miniature ocean creatures
- fish-themed fillable eggs
- bowl with marbles
- four hot dog baskets
- strainer
- shells
- punch bowl
The “Go Fishing” Sensory Tray

To set up this inviting, sea creature-filled sensory tray, start out by setting a non-breakable punch bowl in the center of an active world tray. Fill the bowl with water.
Then set fish from a few inexpensive toy fishing sets in a basket, and spread a few others around the punch bowl.
Tip: Dollar stores are a great place to find many of the supplies in this post.
Next, fill the other baskets with sea jelly dive toys, miniature ocean creatures, and sea creature-themed fillable eggs.
Note: Hot dog baskets are a perfect size for the activity.
Lastly, add toy fishing rods along with a bowl with marbles and a strainer with shells.
Setting up a sensory tray couldn’t be any easier. And I’m sure your little learners will dive right in.

Variations Of This Sensory Activity
If you have access to a water table, fill it with water and drop in all the supplies. Your little charges can transfer fish to baskets and explore the fillable eggs, sea jelly dive toys, miniature ocean creatures, marbles, and shells.
And adding mini fishing nets would be great for scooping up toy sea jellies. Including more strainers would be nice too.
Benefits Of The “Go Fishing” Sensory Tray
Aside from being just plain fun, this fishing game sensory tray allows young children to:
- develop eye-hand coordination
- practice transferring objects from one place to another
- sort fish and sea jelly dive toys by color
- count all the fish they catch
- label and discuss many different ocean creatures
- learn that fish hatch from eggs
Can you think of anything to add to this sensory activity? Share in a comment below.
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© Annette Kaminsky July 27, 2023
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