If there’s one thing I know, young children love playing with animal figurines. And in the realm of animals, dinosaurs are among their favorite. Setting up these fascinating creatures in a lighted dinosaur small world adds interest to their play.
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Supplies To Collect
The following easy-to-find supplies are in the dinosaur small world setup:
- dinosaur figurines
- artificial grass panels
- artificial palm branches
- wood slabs
- small logs
- small rocks
- fillable eggs
- marbles
- blue placemat
- sturdy blue paper
- table cover
- stage light
The Lighted Dinosaur Small World

This dinosaur-themed setup works perfectly on a table, or in an active world tray. I chose to decorate the table with a gold table cover. It fits the natural color scheme and works well with a professional stage light.
Artificial grass panels and palm branches provide ample ground cover for the dinosaur figurines.

Small rocks, logs, and wood slices add nature pieces to the play invitation.
Fillable eggs and marbles are the dinosaur eggs, from which babies can hatch from.

Curved lines cut from around the edge of a blue placemat or sturdy piece of paper provide a pond and add a dose of color to the scene.

Shining a professional stage light on the display adds interest and beauty to the play invitation. The idea was inspired a stunning dinosaur display at a local museum.


More Dinosaur Activities
Dinosaur and Sweet Potato Vine Activities
Dinosaur and Sunflower Sensory Bin
More Small Worlds
Cherry Blossom Tree Small World
Christmas Small World on the Light Table
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© Annette Kaminsky August 16, 2024
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