You may have noticed a pair of adorable llama ornaments in a winter sensory bin a few posts back. With their pastel pink blankets, these woolly animals are easily repurposed in a llama-inspired valentine sensory bin.
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Supplies Collected

The following supplies are in this oh-so-fun blue, pink, and white valentine sensory bin:
- two non-breakable llama ornaments
- storage container in a heart shape
- peg family
- pink heart necklace strips
- blue and pink gemstones
- heart-themed cookie cutters
- valentine-themed heart erasers
- blue foam hearts
- pastel pink and blue pompoms
- pink spatula
- heart-shaped measuring spoon
- “U-R Great” treat basket
The Llama-Inspired Valentine Sensory Bin

White glutinous rice is the base for this pretty bin. It is a go-to sensory bin base because of its bright white color.
As in the llama-inspired winter sensory tub, the bin is a white food bus bin, also a common item in my sensory activities.
The llama ornaments are foam-based, so are suitable for early learners to handle and explore. Thqt being said, all sensory activities for little ones should be closely supervised by a caregiver.
Heart necklaces cut in strips make attractive loose parts.
A heart-shaped storage container is a happy Dollar Store find and matches the color theme of the bin.
The pink heart-shaped measuring spoon offers little learners a chance to scoop and pour.
A little wooden peg family is accented with blue, pink, and silver acrylic paint.
The valentine-shaped basket has a positive message.
Blue and/or pink foam hearts, cookie cutters, and pompoms round out the loose parts in the bin.

Llama Facts
Llamas are popular in art and home décor. Llama-themed arty goods can be scooped up in any season of the year. Here are Ten Fast Llama Facts about these appealing animals.
Valentine’s Day Treasure Blocks
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© Annette Kaminsky February 2023
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