With every new theme, my preschoolers eagerly look forward to using new dramatic play accessories in the play kitchen center. As we are now in the month of March, this bright and cheery Easter pretend play tablescape is a great choice.
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Supplies To Collect

Easter-themed loose parts add variety and spice to an Easter pretend play setup.
Gather the following supplies for the tablescape:
- vase with artificial Easter flower sprig
- Easter-themed cups and paper plates
- matching play forks and spoons
- egg cups and play eggs
- baking sheet and Easter-themed cookie cutters
- muffin tin and Easter pompom garland
- egg platter with fillable Easter eggs
- bunny-shaped tongs
- fillable chicks
- themed tea towel
- oval spring-themed box
- bunny and chick game pieces in a small oval box
- bowl with Easter-themed erasers
The Easter Pretend Play Tablescape
Set the above supplies on shelves in the pretend play kitchen center, or arrange them as an Easter-themed tablescape.

Dollar and party stores are great places to find unique and economical loose parts for the tablescape.
Gigantic pompoms cut from garland make fluffy pretend play muffins or cupcakes.
Easter-themed erasers add variety and can be reimagined as candies or other treats.
Chick and bunny tic tac toe game pieces get a new use as Easter loose parts.
Bunny-themed tongs make picking up fillable eggs more fun.

The themed paper plates and cups, egg platter, egg cups, fillable chicks, cookie cutters, tea towel, and artificial flower sprig are staples for the Easter pretend play tablescape.
Easter Store Dramatic Play Center
More Pretend Play Tablescapes
Pumpkin Tablescape Pretend Play
Thanksgiving Tablescape Pretend Play
Kid’s Winter Wonderland Tablescape
Penguin Pretend Play Tablescape
St. Patrick’s Day Pretend Play
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© Annette Kaminsky March 17, 2023
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