If you are looking for an exciting and easy outdoor winter art activity, this spray paint snowflake silhouette project is a great choice.
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Supplies to Collect

On a day when there is fresh snow on the ground outdoors, gather the following supplies:
- spray bottles
- red, blue, green, and yellow food colors
- large snowflake decoration
- small towel
- tray
The Spray Paint Snowflake Silhouette Activity

This painting activity works best when there is a fresh layer of snow on the ground.
To do the art activity, fill spray bottles used only for craft activities at least half full of water. Then add a few drops of food color in each one, and mix it in. I use red, blue, green, and yellow food coloring.
Next, select a large snowflake decoration. I feature an economical 12-inch plastic one purchased at a dollar store.
Afterward, place the colored water-filled spray bottles, the snowflake decoration, and a small towel on a tray.
Then invite participants outside and take the tray of supplies with you.
Gather around a smooth patch of snow that no one has stepped over and gently place the snowflake decoration down.
Have everyone take turns spraying food color paint around the edges of the snowflake.
Afterward, gently lift the decoration off of the snow and admire the beautiful white snowflake silhouette.

Wipe the decoration down with a towel and lay it down on another spot. Spray-paint the snow around it again. Drying the snowflake template is a tip I learned after trying this red background silhouette. There are a few drops of other colors on the red-framed flake as the decoration was used in the previous snowflake design.

If you have enough snowflake decorations and spray paint bottles, invite participants to spray paint their own snowflake silhouette.
Spray Paint Snowflake Silhouette Benefits
In this snowflake painting activity, squirting a spray bottle develops finger muscles. And participants get the opportunity to create beautiful transient art outdoors during the winter season working cooperatively or on their own.
Spray Painting Snow Indoors

Originally, I hoped to offer this spray paint snowflake silhouette activity indoors. I filled a round tub with snow and got the colored water spray paints ready. But the snow was too sticky and hard, and I couldn’t achieve a smooth snow surface to lay the snowflake decoration down on. But even without a snowflake decoration, the snow is enjoyable to spray paint indoors.

Fun Facts About Snow
Snow is composed of many snowflakes. Tiny ice crystals clump together to make each snowflake.
The light reflecting off snow makes it appear white.
In cold weather, snow is powdery, while in warm weather it is sticky.
New snow absorbs sound waves, resulting in a quiet atmosphere.
Snow creates a wonderful playground for activities such as making snowballs, snow angels, snow forts, and snowmen.
Snow contains 95 % trapped air, and is a great insulator for animals who burrow under it.
When snow melts, it makes 1/10th the amount of water.

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© Annette Kaminsky February 18, 2023
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