A scissor skill snow cutting activity snipping craft supplies is sure to attract your child’s attention. A rich base will be created for small world and sensory activities. A bonus is that this snow will never melt or be too cold to play with.
Supplies To Collect
Go on the hunt for white, neutral, and silver craft supplies:
- strips of cardstock paper
- packing peanuts
- straws
- yarn
- tissue paper
- crepe paper
- foil
- ribbon
- cotton balls
- bows
- lace
- bead garland
Also needed:
- blunt-edged children’s scissors
- storage tray (to hold the precut supplies)
- small cookie sheets

Scissor Skill Snow Cutting Set Up
Fill a storage tray with items for cutting.
Set the tray with scraps on a table along with pairs of scissors. Invite your child to choose pieces to snip smaller over a cookie sheet. Feel free to join your child in making snow.

Encourage your child to stand and cut. Studies show that children sit down for an enormous time each day, so adding activities where they are on their feet reduces sedentary time. (View an article that cites the benefits of standing versus sitting at standupkids.org.)
The variety of materials offered facilitates scissor skills. For instance, stiffer pieces are easier to hold with the helping hand. And harder-to-cut items increase small muscle strength in the cutting hand.
This scissor skill snow cutting activity offers rich opportunities for language development. Model and discuss descriptive words. Here are some possibilities:

Cutting practice with craft scraps offers a non-threatening way for young children to develop scissor skills. There is no wrong way to do it, so frustration is minimized. Children can experiment and cut the materials that work for them.
Early learners can start using scissors with guidance. For tips on teaching children to use scissors, view my post “Santa’s Beard Scissor Activity.”
Activities With Craft Snow
Once there is a little pile of cut snow, use it in sensory and small world activities.
Polar Small World
Bead garland water, an igloo, and polar animals are highlights of this small world.



Polar Sensory Tray
A take-out food container works beautifully as a sensory tray featuring small figurines.

Place the fake snow in one compartment, and the figurines in the other. This tray can be taken along on outings with the lid snapped on.

Winter Sensory Bag
A large snack bag or small freezer bag can house reusable snow and figurines of any kind. This sensory bag is also portable.

Spray Paint Snowflake Silhouette
Blue Candy Cane Science Experiment
Kid’s Winter Wonderland Play Tablescape
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© Annette Kaminsky January 30, 2020
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