These Black History Month hair decorating art invitations are inspired by the photos of beautifully decorated classroom doors that frequently go viral online and a recyclable shopping bag design. The two art invitations are easy for little learners to participate in and are suited for people of all ages.
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Black History Month has been celebrated in the US every year since 1926. Classroom door artwork displaying beautiful hairstyles with embellishments is a stunning way to draw attention to the celebration. Often, the artwork is accompanied by pictures and information about past role models and their contributions.

Black History Month Transient Art
A variety of craft supplies in gold, silver, pink, white, and tan hues provide the color scheme for a simple Black History Month transient art hair decorating invitation.

Supplies To Collect
- 18 x 24-inch sturdy white paper
- 12-inch x 18-inch black fadeless construction paper
- brown and pink construction or scrapbook paper
- gift bows
- pipe cleaners
- bead garland strips
- clip on tree decorations
- buttons
- pom poms
- dangling earring
- glue stick and glue gun
- glue stick
- pencil and scissors
- compartment tray
Black History Month Transient Art Set Up
For this glitzy art invitation, start by selecting the above easy-to-find supplies in a color scheme of choice, and placing them in a compartment tray. My color scheme has plenty of gold and silver, which black people wear so well. It is balanced by neutral and light pink hues.

Cut and wrap pipe cleaner pieces around a pencil to make curly adornments, and tie other pipe cleaners and bead garland strips into bows.
Next, draw and cut a side view of a human head from brown construction paper, hair from black construction paper, and the shoulders of a top from fabric or colored construction paper. Fadeless construction paper or cardstock holds color the best.
Afterward, using a glue stick or glue gun, adhere the profile head, top, and hair onto a large sheet of construction or art paper. Slide in a dangling earring if desired.
Note: You may want to trim a small piece off the upper edge of the paper background to eliminate unnecessary white space.
The Hair Decorating Transient Art Invitation

Once the design is glued together, set out the compartment tray and invite one or two children at a time to pick supplies and decorate the hair of the arty profile. Make sure to snap a picture of each child with their finished design before you invite someone new to embellish the profile image.

Children may decide to decorate the clothing in addition to the hair.

After everyone has a chance to participate in the Black History Month transient art activity, give each child an opportunity to contribute a few pieces to the design. Afterward, use a glue gun to affix the shapes permanently. You will have a beautiful wall art piece to display.
Hair Decorating With Flowers and Butterflies
This second Black History Month hair decorating invitation gives participants a chance to complete a finished art project to take home, using a similar profile image as above.

Supplies To Collect
- 14-inch x 17-inch art paper
- craft flowers and butterflies
- construction paper
- flower and butterfly paper punches
- self-adhesive gem stickers
- scissors and pencil
- glue stick
For this next black History Month art invitation, put together a smaller-sized profile image for each child participating. A 14-inch x 17-inch sized background piece of paper is a good fit for the project.
Paper punch flowers and butterflies from a few different colors of cardstock paper, and add self-adhesive sticker gems. Or use purchased craft flowers and butterflies.
Note: I am a huge fan of paper punches and use them all the time. They save oodles of preparation time and give art projects a professional touch.
Set out a profile image and butterflies and flowers on an art table for each child participating. Invite everyone to use a glue stick to embellish the hair of their paper person with the craft supplies.
More Black History Month Activities
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Five Black History Month Crafts
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